What are some of the things you like about college?
"Some things I like about Michigan State is how good the bus system is and how available are to get around campus because of how big it is. Love the big state school football program they have because the games are insane. I also like the size of the dorms."
Doing anything fun on the weekends?
"Hanging out with people I meet and going to games."
What is a fun fact you have learned about your college?
"Fun fact is on 3rd down (football) they jingle their keys. Also people tailgate just on the school like on paths and on the grass."
What is something that surprised you about college?
"Something that surprised me was the amount of people here and how if you don’t find your people on your first day there is plenty of opportunity to find people."
What are you studying/involved in?
"I'm studying biomedical lab science and m on the rugby team."
What did UniVarsity help you with most?
"Y'all helped me a ton start my search and really narrow it down- like I didn’t know the first steps and y'all really laid it down for me."